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By Bishop Albert C. Delmadge, Jr., Headmaster

Jesus Christ, The Master Mentor, said, “If anyone desires to follow after me let him deny himself, take up his cross and follow me.”  For many years this desire has been ours.  Teaching others by example, we strive to publicly identify with the love and suffering of our Savior.  To this end many now share in the joy that living for Christ brings.  The Apostle Paul, whose encounter with Jesus Christ radically changed his life, stated, “Follow me as I follow Christ.”  This is the fundamental tenet of our servanthood and stewardship as leaders of this awesome church school, Christian Heritage Academy.


A call to leadership comes with tremendous responsibilities.  In this school we target future leaders - our students.  We believe that this responsibility must be shared not only with the leaders/caretakers in the homes from which our students come everyday, but also with other positive community influences in their lives.  Christian Heritage Academy takes this challenge of daily preparing and producing these leaders very seriously.  They will be people taught by the Lord and crowned with great peace, according to Isaiah 54:13.

This task is like transporting very precious cargo to a specific destination.  We are the transporters and our Lord Jesus Christ is the paymaster.  Our desire is to hear from the Lord, “Well done thou good and faithful servant,” when our task on earth is done.  It must be noted that a great sense of fulfillment comes with seeing the wonderful results of seventeen years of hard work in Christian Heritage Academy.  All praises, honor and glory go to our Lord Jesus Christ, who has continuously given us great favor, love and strength.

He has taken us from a sanctuary classroom space with dividers to classrooms in several purchased buildings on Avenue J.  He has blessed our parents to meet their tuition obligations even in the midst of global economic and financial crises.  Of course, there are those who have met with unexpected hardships, which often lead us into a financially challenging state, but God has miraculously kept the doors of our school open as we continue to pray, obey God's instructions, and put our confidence in Him. We give God thanks for the parents, church members, friends, teaching staff, administrative staff, volunteers and all the other "missionary hearts" of Christian Heritage Ministries who have sacrificed by giving time and monetary gifts in support of God’s school.

In June of this year we celebrated our seventeenth Junior High School Graduation and our fourteenth High School Graduation.  We have now reached another milestone in Christian Heritage’s journey, celebrating seventeen years of victory.  Many of our graduates have excelled academically, spiritually and socially. Some have been granted scholarships of various kinds and some have been accepted into accelerated college programs.  Within this time period, many of our alumni have already been successful in completing their Bachelor’s degree, and some have received graduate degrees in ministry, law, and education.

We shout aloud our motto: “Every student a scholar, every classroom a chapel, and every teacher a missionary!”  We continue to move towards these goals by the grace of God.  Christian Heritage Academy is more than a Christian school; it is a church school.  God still leads, and we follow; we lead, and our students, the next generation of spiritual and moral leaders, follow.

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